
Wolf Legend - Part XV

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

15. Roads End

Andrew pulled up to the office building. It was already very busy with traffic going every which way on the corner street. Large crowds of people lined up at each corner to cross. "Do you want to come in with me?" Andrew asked leaning over to Rabeka, who was just waking up from a light nap.
"No, I'm going to stay here and sleep," she said, in between a few yawns.
"You're OK with being by yourself?" he asked, surprised.
"There's too many people around for them to notice me. The mob isn't that stupid. I have my phone on me though."
"OK, have it ready to dial me if there's something wrong."
"I will," she said, leaning her seat all the way back and throwing her jacking over her face.
Andrew ran his hand down her hair. She'll be OK, he reassured himself.
He cut the engine and hopped out of his Mazda. The air was thick with traffic smoke, rather difficult to pick up on any smells, but he doubted anyone from the mob would be in such a crowded place, however, if they knew Rabeka, they knew where she worked. He needed to be careful as he hustled into the lobby towards the elevator. Nobody in the lobby looked out of place, it seemed like a normal day to him. He arrived on an empty elevator to the eleventh floor, taking time to scent before stepping out into the hallway.
The office was busy as usual, he was just a half hour after business hours started, he expected to see everyone in their seats. He walked out onto the floor up to his desk, he'd figure he'd grab a few things while he was here.
"Andrew!" Phil's voice sounded from the other side of the office. Andrew turned around to see him standing by the lounge door. "Where have you been?" Phil asked, sounding more worried than angry. Andrew smiled and motioned to Phil to wait a second as he pulled a few files and personal items from his desk and stuck them into a briefcase. Phil made his way over toward him anyway.
"Hey, I'm sorry," Andrew said. "A lot of emergencies came up."
"Yeah we thought you were dead or something," Phil laughed. Andrew laughed too at the irony; he almost did die, several times. "Well, I was just... I needed to take care of some stuff."
"I can understand that, but are you coming back for good? You look like you're leaving us again," Phil said, watching as Andrew continued to dump junk into his briefcase.
        "No, not quite yet. I'm officially taking my vacation, the long one."
"Well, I figured that's what you'd do, but give us a warning next time you take off."
"I know, I will, it was unexpected, and I shouldn't have—"
"Hey its no worry, just make sure you take care of yourself," Phil said, slapping Andrew's arm. Andrew raised his eyebrows in surprise at how easy he got off missing work. "Ok," he said silently, grinning.
"Oh, and Phil, I have a question for you — kinda random — has anyone come in here asking about Rabeka?"
Andrew noticed a head pop up out of the corner of his eye, it was Rachel's. No doubt she was still bitter about being turned down. He turned to look at her and she burned her eyes into his. She looked incredibly jealous. Andrew flashed a smile; of pleasure, and faced Phil once more.
"Oh, that other girl that hasn't been here?" Phil said, looking over at her empty desk. "Yes, she's taking her vacation too," Andrew responded.
"Ah, I see how it is," Phil grinned.
Andrew bit his lip and nodded, "Well, it was no vacation, it was an actual emergency, but we're just taking an extended break."
"No wonder she didn't come in while you were gone," Phil winked.
"Yes, and I'm sorry again about that too," Andrew said, trying to remain professional about his mistake.
"Well, like I said, just take care of yourself and come back to us," Phil chuckled, patting him once more on the arm. He laughed some more as he head back to lounge. Andrew laughed, knowing what occupied Phil's thoughts. He felt embarrassed to mention his personal life, and felt even more embarrassed when more than half of the office was grinning at him. They had all overheard.
Great, he thought. Just what I need, more attention to myself.
Andrew finally got focused and grabbed all the stuff he needed from his desk: papers of any existing info on Rabeka, his own personal information, as well as his past employment information. Better safe than sorry.
Suddenly a warm hand touched Andrew's shoulder. He flinched a little as he turned around to see Rachel standing there, confident and posed like a supermodel out of a catalog. Andrew tried as best he could to not roll his eyes as he smiled to greet her. This woman never gives up does she?
"Hey stranger, its been a while," Rachel said, flashing a big smile.
"Um... yeah, it has," Andrew said, escaping his way to behind the desk. He pretended to still be looking for things.
"We were worried you wouldn't come back to us," she said, walking over toward him again, she brushed back her long hair to reveal her cleavage. We? Andrew thought. Is she considering her breasts as actual people now? He knew she meant the office, but nobody in the office even cared about her, even if half of the men had already slept with her.
Rachel moved in closer. Andrew was literally being backed up into the corner of his office. Her hand bravely slid up his bicep, squeezing it. Andrew closed his eyes as his personal bubble felt smaller. The smell of her perfume made him sick. "Well, I'm not back yet, but I will be," Andrew said, remaining immune to her seduction. He walked past her briskly, and head toward the door. "Guess I'll see you around," he waved backwards.
"Andrew, wait," she called out, sounding upset.
Andrew wanted to ignore her and keep going, but he stopped. He lowered and shook his head in annoyance. He didn't want to waste any more time at the office, especially with Rachel. He turned around to face her once more.
"What'da say to a second chance on that date offer?"
Andrew couldn't help it, and finally rolled his eyes in view of her. "Rachel, I'm going to be... as delicate, but truthful as I can," he started, putting his palms together  over his lips, smiling. She stood back a little, unsure of what he was going to do.
"I'm dating Rabeka now," Andrew firmly said, holding his hand up, gesturing her to stop.
Rachel's expression went from flirtatious to furious in just a few seconds. For some reason, seeing her upset seemed to brighten his mood.
"I love her. Love, being the key word here. What you saw the other night; its not some 'fling', she's apart of my life now, and its serious."
Rachel folded her arms, offended at his bluntness. She raised an eyebrow. Andrew wanted so much to scratch her pretty little face up with his claws, but he set his negative thoughts aside to finish the statement he had been waiting years to say to her face. "And... even if it wasn't serious or I wasn't dating her," he continued, and took a large breath, "I would never date you."
A few of the girls around the office overheard and gasped. The gossip would never stop over this one.
Rachel's eyes flew open. "How dare you!" she whined, throwing her arms to her side, balled fists and all, "And to think I wanted to sleep with you!" More laughs and gasping sounded all around them.
Andrew blushed a little, "Well, I'm sorry, but just... please, please stop begging me to date you all the time, it makes you look desperate, and..." Andrew glanced at her outfit for a second, "you dress like a hooker."
Rachel gasped, dropping her jaw. He could tell she was trying as hard as she could to hold back tears.
As if straight out of a movie, she motioned to raise her hand to Andrew to slap him. Andrew easily caught it before she even had a chance. She flinched in shock at how quick he was, followed by even more gasping by viewing office workers.
"Rachel, just leave me and Rabeka alone, OK?" Andrew said fiercely, throwing her arm back down to her side.
"Ouch!" she whined, and turned and ran passed him to the bathrooms.
And as if on cue, the office workers erupted with applause. Andrew took a moment to smile at a few of them. He felt like bowing, but he gleefully turned and walked out of the office.
He could hear and feel Rachel fuming behind him. Her heartbeat racing and a few muttering curses under her breath. Andrew continued to smile all the way back to the car.
Rabeka was wide awake and sitting in the car when he walked up and opened the door.
"Are we fired?" she asked without hesitation, noticing the large grin on Andrew's face. "What?" she asked, nervously.
"Oh nothing, we're fine. I got us a week off."
"Wow..." she said, lifting her eyebrows. "Really?!" Rabeka exclaimed, putting her seat belt back on.
"Mhmm!" he hummed, adding a little chuckle at the end as he started the car up.
"What?" she asked.
"Oh nothing," he said, grinning.

Andrew drove cautiously around the corner of Morningside Park. He could see his condo from behind the thick trees. He parked the car on the side of the road and rolled the window down, getting a good scent of the entire area. Nothing out of the ordinary caught his attention. Any face he saw at this point could be a potential suspect, especially after the fake policemen incident at Rabeka's apartment. He wasn't sure if the mob was even in the vicinity. They lost track of them just a few blocks north of his condo a few days ago, certainly they had moved on from this location. They were searching, this was certain. There was every reason to be paranoid, but Andrew could not find himself to logically accept that the mob knew where he lived. Phil had assured him that nobody had visited the office asking about Rabeka, so how could they know where he lived?
Rabeka sat patiently and anxiously waiting for Andrew's approval. She unbuckled herself and sat on the edge of her seat.
Andrew took a few more silent sniffs then put the car into park.
"Are we safe?" she asked, nervously fidgeting with her jacket sleeves.
"I think so."
Rabeka sat back, knowing that it wasn't a definite answer. "Guess."
Andrew rolled his eyes, "Fine, we are safe, that I know of."
"You said nobody came into work asking for me, right?" she asked, checking her reflection in the visor mirror.
"Nope, Phil didn't know anything about it."
That was comforting enough for Rabeka, who instantly opened the door and stood up.
"Wait, Rabeka," Andrew protested, leaning over to pull her back inside. She ignored his plea and stood next to the car, looking around. Andrew slumped back in his seat, defeated. Taking a deep breath, Rabeka slowly made her way around to the front of the car.
Andrew was upset she wasn't being as cautious as she should be, but again, there was no reason to believe that Mel and his men would stick around the same area for 2 days.
"Well aren't you brave," he muttered sarcastically, suddenly feeling like a whimp for still sitting in the car.
"I'm just so sick of this crap," she complained, coming around to his door.
"It's so stupid," Rabeka said, scoffing, leaning her head against the car, "I hate this."
"I know," Andrew said, grabbing a ball cap out of the glove compartment and slipping it on. He stood by the car and put his hand on the back of Rabeka's neck. She closed her eyes and smiled at the warmth of his touch.
"Remember, we're in this together."
Rabeka smiled and leaned her head against his chest. Andrew wrapped his arms around her, holding her closely for a moment.
"Lets do this," she said.
Holding hands, they both walked towards his condo. Andrew's ears grew slightly to gain as much hearing capacity as they could. His human ears were good enough, but this time he wanted more than just 'good'. The extra webbing aided in the accuracy of the location of certain sounds. They could even hear a pin drop several yards away, in high definition. Any whisperings, sneaky footsteps, elevated heart rates and especially a gun cocking, he'd hear it. He didn't care if people saw his half pointy ears—his hair would hide them well enough. What was important was that they were safe.
Rabeka caught a glance of his grown pointy ears. She giggled. "Not taking any chances," Andrew smiled, a little embarrassed.
They finally made it into the condo and up the stairs to his apartment floor.
"Still nothing? I doubt they found your apartment," Rabeka said, walking out in front of him to his door. Andrew was glad she gained confidence.
Rabeka turned her back to the doorway and leaned against it, waiting for Andrew to unlock it. He struggled to get his keys out of his pocket before inserting them in the doorway. No sights or smells caught his attention, but there was a feeling in his gut that told him something was wrong.
The door swung open and he took an obvious large sniff—nothing, literally. He couldn't smell anything, it was as if his senses had turned off. He stood silently in the doorway, trying to figure out if he had missed something.
Rabeka took several glances back and forth between Andrew and inside his apartment.
"We good?" Rabeka asked, sneaking in front peaking around the door frame.
"Yeah, we're good," Andrew said, unconvincingly.
Rabeka took his advice and shot forward.
"Good, cuz I have to pee."
She darted and disappeared around the hallway corner. Andrew chuckled a bit in the doorway. He looked behind him down the hallway just in case, then went inside and shut the door.
It was very quiet in his apartment. He still couldn't smell or pick up on anything. As much as he was happy about it, it turned a knot in his stomach. Something was wrong. Perhaps he was just so used to his apartment, since everyone gets used to their living quarters they don't notice any smells. He slowly took his jacket off, hanging it up in the closet behind the door.
Walking passed the hallway, he listened over to make sure Rabeka was OK. No sounds, but she was no doubt taking care of her business. He chuckled at the fact and looked down the hallway to his bedroom, again, an uncomfortable feeling passed through him. Everything was as it was when they left, there was no change, but what felt wrong?
Andrew suddenly felt sick to his stomach as he backed away from the hallway, walking back into the living room.
"Somethings wrong," he whispered to himself.
Maybe I'm just being too paranoid, he thought, heading toward the kitchen.
Andrew sat down at the table. Bored and still feeling ill, he grabbed a orange from the fruit bowl. He threw it around in the air for a few seconds, then began to peel it, extended his index finger claw to easily slice into the peal of the orange. He took a few breaths to try to alleviate the nausea, but nothing was working. He stuck a slice of orange in his mouth, it made him even more sick. Groaning, he walked over to the sink and spit it out.
"I never get sick like this, what is wrong with me?" He asked himself, leaning over the sink as if ready to vomit.
He suddenly noticed it had been a long time since he had seen Rabeka. He took an even bigger breath and walked out into the living room to sit down on the couch. He still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Everything felt off, like his senses were out-of-whack. Everything felt, looked, smelled, and tasted dull to him, from the very moment he walked into his apartment. How could that be?
Andrew patted his pillows impatiently. Jeez, how long does it take a woman to pee, he thought.
He stood up once more, feeling the nausea return as he faced the hallway.
Ten minutes had passed, still nothing. The bathroom was silent.
Andrew knew enough about humans to know that nobody spends that much time urinating.
He walked up to the door, noticing that the nausea intensified. He wasn't sure if it was just him getting more nervous, but he knew to listen to what his body was telling him, and whatever it was saying was not good. Something in the hallway was making him worse. What was even more scary, is that it seemed to be coming from the bathroom.
Andrew didn't want to startle her, but if anything was wrong, this would sure help him realize it faster. He knocked loudly on the bathroom door, breaking the total silence in the apartment.
No answer.
"Rabeka, are you in there?" he asked, his voice cracking. Another thing he had never really experienced.
Still no answer.
Andrew attempted the door handle; locked, what a surprise.
"Rabeka, open the door," he said, knocking again, the pain and nausea increased. He could feel sweat begin to gather on his forehead.
What is wrong with me?
Still complete silence from inside the bathroom.
"Rabeka stop kidding around, open the door!" he yelled and banged again.
Andrew felt himself getting weaker. It was frustrating him, nothing made him feel weak like this, ever. Andrew had never been sick, not with human diseases anyway. The sweat now pouring down his face.
Finally he knew this was no joke, something was wrong. He could find no logical answer for her silence other than trouble, but what trouble? He sense nobody had been here, or was here.
Andrew stood back slightly to knock down the door, but with this new weakened state, all it did was hurt his shoulder and cause a loud bang.
What the hell is wrong with me? I should have easily taken that door down!
Finally, a noise from behind the door; a slight shuffle of feet.
"Rabeka?" Andrew called out, but again, no answer, his voice continued to grow horse.
"Damn it Rabeka, open this door!" Andrew yelled at the top of his lungs and stepped back again to knock down the door.
It finally swung open, and without even knowing what happened, Andrew fell to the floor.
Everything in his entire body ached, his eyes watered, and his muscled tensed almost as if paralyzed. It felt like the room had suddenly turned sideways and fell off the face of the planet, his whole body like it was tumbling down a large hill. His head spun so fast that he could feel a vomit finally coming. He swallowed it instead. The spinning and throbbing sensation was so bad that he couldn't bare to open his eyes, let alone see what had caused this. Andrew gripped the carpet, trying desperately to extend his claws, but his body was not working. As if forcing him to, his body curled up until a little ball on his side. He wanted to stretch backward so badly. He fought his body, trying to extend his back, but the more he tried he felt like it would break something.
Andrew opened his eyes enough to see a blurry human silhouette in the doorway of the bathroom, standing over him. He squeezed his eyes and opened them once more—as if to regain sight—long enough to open them again to see Rabeka on the floor of the bathroom, unconscious... hopefully. His anger at the sight of her in trouble only intensified the repulsing feeling in his body.
What is happening to me? Why can't I stand up? My body, it won't let me. It felt like it was being pulled down to the ground. Standing up only made the pain return and staying limp made him feel nauseous again.
There was a voice, it was a man speaking, but everything was so blurred, he couldn't recognize it yet. It seemed that all of his senses were completely turned off, and were attacking him from the inside out. In fact, all these symptoms sounded strangely familiar to him.
The voice laughed, as if in slow motion. He could see fast movement and suddenly more pain struck his lower abdomen. It was sharp, and driven by something very large and firm; a shoe.
Andrew grunted and grabbed the door frame to brace himself for what seemed like another large kick in the abs as the blurred motion continued.
Andrew felt like screaming, but nothing would come out of his open wide mouth. His face scrunched up in pain, somehow it helped relieve some of the pressure. He tried to move his arm to protect himself from the blows, but it was like swimming in molasses; his reflexes were dead.
"This stuff works good," the voice said. Now he recognized it—Mel, no doubt the very man who was kicking him. Andrew took a deep breath to give him enough strength to turn his head over to where Rabeka was lying, but she was no longer there. He felt completely helpless.
"L... let..." he felt words escape his lips, but they were too silent for anyone to hear.
"What's that pretty boy?" Mel said, leaning over. Andrew squinted and could finally see Mel's grim expression. He noticed one other thing, some sort of jar in his hand. He wasn't sure if it was significant, but just looking at it made Andrew feel more weak.
Andrew buckled over on to his knees, lowering his head between his arms and shoulders. If ever there was a time to save Rabeka's life (and his), it'd be now. There was no time to think about the consequences; he attempted to shift.
Andrew strained as the pain and sickness intensified. He could feel his body holding the beast back. Nothing was happening. Normally he would have exploded with the amount of force he tried to unleash, but there was no response, not even a physical one; his hands and arms from his view stayed human.
What the hell? Why aren't I changing? This has never happened to me before!
"Wha... what did, you do... to me?" Andrew grunted, face planting into the carpet again, defeated.
He squinted past Mel's feet into the living room. Rabeka was being dragged out by a few men.
Andrew tried once more to shift, but there was no response from his body.
That's impossible. It's as if I'm... human.
Suddenly, he a sharp pain shot in the back of his head, and everything went black.

Exhausted and out of breath, Rachel flopped down onto her pillow.
"That... was amazing," she said struggling for breath. She slowly pulled the covers over her body. Sounds of heavy breathing soon occupied hers to a unison as a large muscular arm gently came over her from behind. "You... you're amazing, almost, perfect!" she squeaked with delight, stretching her arms in the air. She still couldn't stop smiling. It had been a long time since she had found someone to truly satisfied her yearning.
"Glad I could feed your satisfaction," a low pleasant voice sounded from behind her. He gently slid his hand up and down her sides.
Rachel turned over to face him, leaning against his chest.
"Isn't it amazing how two people can meet, and suddenly make a connection?" she smiled, fluffing her hair a bit, allowing it to fall wildly all over them.
"Indeed. It was lucky we met," he grinned.
Rachel giggled, resting her head on his chest, "I know, right? I just wish this was my life all the time. I mean, even though we just met, and we don't know each other very well, I feel like this could be the start of something very special."
"Indeed," he whispered, sounding a bit annoyed, putting his arms behind his head. Rachel continued, "I mean, it just all seems to make sense. Like, destiny called to us."
"Of course," he said, this time rolling his eyes at her eye pitched voice that seemed to never end.
"Also, if I hadn't found you, you would have never found your brother! It was totally like, destiny! And I still can't believe how long its been since you've seen him. That is like so rude that he'd refuse to stay in touch with you."
"I know, it is rude," he softly agreed.
"And I could not believe how rude he was to me today!" she said, lifting her head up again.
"Yes, that was very rude," he continued to agree, in a monotone voice.
"He totally told me off, in front of the entire office!"
"Yeah, that's just horrible," he said, as if refusing to sound sincere. She bought it anyway and sat up. "I know, right?" she repeated. "What kind of person just goes off on someone else like that, and all I wanted was a date."
"No, you wanted this," he corrected her.
"Well, not so much anymore," she smiled. "All I want now is you..." she leaned over, whispering, "Alex."
Alex smiled, parting his lips as she gently moved in to bite his bottom lip. Alex gave in and brought his face to hers, giving a wet seductive kiss. He smiled partially, then laid his head back and gazed out the window with a blank stare.
"Tell me again why you and Andrew have the same tattoo?" she said, running her fingers near his left eye.
"I told you already,"
"I know but, but they are so cool. One of the first things I... fell for with your brother. I think tattoo's are sexy."
"Thank you," he said, clearing his throat.
Rachel sneered and lifted herself up once more. "Ready for part two?" she playfully asked.
"No, I'm tired," he said coldly without moving.
"Awww..." she whined, gliding her hands up his chest to his neck, "But, I'm not tired." She leaned over and gently bit him on his pectoral. Without warning Alex quickly and aggressively turned her over; pinned on her back.. He almost let out a small growl as he stared at her for a few minutes, almost offended that she'd bite him. Rachel stood motionless and frightened for a moment, then giggled, assuming it was play. She leaned up to kiss him. He kissed back forcefully and almost pain inflicting.
Their lips parted. "I'm tired," he firmly repeated, breaking the alluring silence. He slid over her and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Well alright, but I'm far from over with you," she said, putting her arms around his neck from behind. She kissed his shoulders and neck. Alex closed his eyes and sighed, letting her have her way temporarily.
"I have things I need to take care of," he said.
"Oh no, please don't leave," Rachel said, sounding desperate.
Alex opened his eyes and grinned. "Oh don't worry, you're coming with me," he said.
"I am?!" she blurted out. "So cool! Where are we going?" She jumped over the bed dragging a handful of sheets with her across the room.
"You won't need to change," he calmly said, as she desperately tried to find her clothes somewhere on the floor.
"What do you mean, babe?" she asked, continuing to search. She successfully located her bra and undies, and began to put them on.
"You won't need to change," he repeated, standing up.
"Change how?" she asked, fastening her bra in place. "Where are we going?" she asked again, an anxious look on her face.
Alex grinned and walked over to her, putting his hands on her skinny waist. "Guess," he smiled.
"You're going over to see Andrew?" she asked, a little disappointed.
"Yes," he said.
"Well," she suddenly perked up, "Now you've found him. What are you going to do?"
"It's just about time we settled this."
"Yeah, right," she nodded, leaning over to pick up her pants.
"Don't bother," Alex said, grabbing the pants from out of her hand, holding them away from her, "I'll get you ready."
"Hmmm, I thought you said you were tired?" Rachel teased, moving in closer, however she didn't get very far. Alex grabbed her arms and backed her up against the wall.
"Oh! Something tells me you are nowhere near done with me," she said gleefully, surrendering, wrapping a leg around his torso.
"You have no idea," he grinned, running his hand up her leg. Rachel took a moment to close her eyes and cock her head back. Alex panted slightly as he allowed a large pair of fangs to form. Rachel lowered her head, opening her eyes only to see Alex's face had changed. A horrified look swept over her face as his now yellow eyes glowed before her.
She tried to scream, but a hand instantly appeared over her mouth, and nothing but pain followed. Pain in her neck. Alex had latched on hard, biting and ripping violently with series of animalistic growls. Rachel let out a muffled blood curdling scream into the palm of his hand, causing Alex to bite harder, making her airways stop. Rachel began to claw and grab at Alex's face, but Alex didn't move a muscle for her weak human efforts.
After a minute of intense struggle, Rachel began to lose hope, feeling weak as the blood left her body and into Alex's mouth. She fell completely limp just as Alex finally let go, thrusting Rachel down hard onto the bedroom floor. She collapsed easily. It took her a moment to re-evaluate her situation. Crying on cue she threw her hand to her wound, discovering blood all over her hand, and the feel of it now flooding her upper body, down her back and chest.
Alex stood above her, panting; almost as hard as he did after their intimacy. He took a moment to lick his lips and savor the taste of her blood. If it were not for his werewolf side, he could have easily passed as a vampire that moment. He groaned with pleasure as he swallowed the remaining blood in his mouth. Without acknowledging Rachel on the ground, Alex walked over to the other side of the bed and slipped on his blue jeans and shoes.
"What the hell did you do to me?!" Rachel screamed, desperately finding the strength to stand up. Alex ignored her question, searching under the many disarranged blankets for his shirt.
Rachel moaned crawled for the front door. She could hear the loud bass sounds of a neighboring party going on just down the hall.
"Help!" she screamed, but over the loudness of the music, nobody would hear her. She tried to sit up to touch the doorknob, but the higher elevated she got, the more weak she became from the loss of blood.
"Trust me, you don't want to leave in your... current condition," Alex calmly spoke, slipping on his t-shirt and staring out the window; his back to her.
She cried even more, seeing the trail of blood she had made across the room. Her face twisted with anger as she turned around toward him, noticing her purse by the door; she knew there was a small bottle of mace in it. She silently crawled her way back towards the bed.
"I never did thank you for your help," he said, pulling back the blinds to let in the sun. "As you said, it really was fate that I found you. No And also for bringing Rabeka into this. This will add a delightful twist into making my brothers life a living hell. Its just too poetic, too..." he struggled to find the words, "...perfect that she is also desired by others just as desperately as Andrew is."
Rachel reached her purse near the bed, but just in time to discover a new type of pain growing from inside her. Her hand flew to the source of the pain; her abdomen. The pain pulsed and swelled through-out here entire body.
"Wha... what is... happening to me?" she muttered, a confused and frightened look on her face as the pain intensified from a small nauseous cramp in her belly, to an explosion of pain that reached every inch of her body. Her mouth stretched open as if trying to scream, but no sound would come out. Rachel flew onto her back, writhing silently and arching her body into the air. The pain in her back and abdomen intensified as she arched her torso up, and then driving it into the ground repeatedly.
Her first successful scream finally came out as she turned over, somehow finding the strength to kneel on all fours—catching a glimpse of her fingers and nails just as they began to change shape. Large black claws pushed their way from underneath her fingernails; her fingers swelling up to form new paw pads. She screamed in horror at the sight of her once beautiful hands being transformed.
"It was almost too easy," Alex continued, ignoring her transformation in the background. "And to even convince the mob to join me, our efforts combined to get them both. I guess I'm lucky the mob approached you first, and not your boss, otherwise Andrew would have seen this coming."
Alex continued to look out the window, a calm, yet pleasing look on his face. The sounds of her screams in the background didn't phase him one bit.
"I'm glad I found somebody who now shares my enthusiasm of hating Andrew. Everything is turning out better than I had planned."
Rachel grunted in disgust at him, then bellowed out as her vertebrae stretched, providing a very loud cracking sound.
"Ooh," Alex taunted sarcastically, turning around to face her. "I forgot how painful that part was."
Crackling sounds continued to erupt from inside her body as she flailed back and forth on the ground, desperate to relieve the intense pressure; which only increased. Her vertebra bulged out one by one down her back. She threw herself on all fours once again, claws digging into the carpet leaving long strips of damage.
        Rachel met Alex's gaze once more, growling; her eyes burned into his.
"Hey come on, don't look at me like that. This is for your own good," he said, pacing in front of her. "At least now you won't be out of Andrew's league. In fact, you might actually have a chance with the guy; that is, if I don't kill him," Alex laughed loudly. In the midst of pain, Rachel's expression changed from anger, to regret; all the things she had done to help Alex the past few days, they were steps to seek out some sort of revenge against Andrew. It was clear to her now.
        "Who knew it would be this easy! All it took was a little manipulation, some luck, simple negotiations, and two days of extreme passion—provided by you, of course," he nodded gentlemen-like, gesturing his hand at her.
"What a wonderful win-win scenario," he chuckled, gazing down at Rachel, her hands once again cradling her abdomen. The pain suddenly doubled, causing her to buckle over on her hands and knees. A scream, teamed with a loud roar released from her throat that roared for several seconds. Alex could only smile at the sight.
"Well... a win-win for me, anyways."
Rachel lifted her head up toward him, her eyes now glowing yellow in a fiery rage, flexing and stretching as her entire upper body swelled up with muscle and fur. Alex turned his back on her to face the window once more. Groans continued from behind him, as the pain inside Rachel began to reach its peak. He could tell that part of her enjoyed it, as so many of his kind do. It pleased him in knowing that his effort in turning her was successful; it was his first time.
He turned around just in time to see her mid-shift: her entire body now furry and muscular; her bra and underwear shredded; her muscles only beginning to take its shape; her screaming voice lowered into a monstrous roar.
"YOU'RE A FREAK!" Rachel managed to wail through her large fangs.
"Hmph," Alex snickered. "Join the club."
:star:Once again, there are some lovey dovey moments in this chapter, its mild, but just a heads up.:star:


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Wolf Legend is ©2009 Jennette Brown/=sugarpoultry

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What you are reading is the BETA VERSION! Nothing you read is final!

- As of Oct 2011, critiques are CLOSED
Revision is officially starting for the final version (which will be available as the published work). All critiques prior to this date will be considered, however, new critiques are not needed since the final version will be much different and I have official and professional editors helping me with this task. ;)

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© 2010 - 2024 sugarpoultry
BeastIam's avatar
nice comeback, alex! "Join the club." I like it!
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